JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik 2024-04-30T07:50:56+07:00 JPAK [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik (JPAK)</strong> published by the STKIP Widya Yuwana Research Institute. Published twice a year (April and October).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> KAJIAN LITERATUR UNTUK MENGATASI PERMASALAHAN MUSIK LITURGI 2024-04-22T07:24:15+07:00 Jhon Daeng Maeja [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to examine the problems that arise in liturgical music. Liturgical music is an inseparable part of the liturgy. Its role is very central in the liturgy. However, there are still many devotees and liturgical practitioners who do not understand the function of liturgical music. This problem will be answered in this study. This research uses the literature review method. The study used a publish or perish application to search for keywords about liturgical music. The results showed that there are </em><em>several solutions that can be done to overcome the problem of liturgical music. Optimizing liturgical music centers, inculturation of liturgical music in accordance with liturgical rules, rules on renewal in the liturgy, and formation for liturgical music actors such as the faithful, priests, choir members, musicians and observers of liturgical music are ways that can be done to overcome liturgical music problems.</em></p> 2023-12-01T12:34:07+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## KONTRIBUSI TEOLOGI PEMBEBASAN BAGI FEMINISME DI ASIA: SEBUAH KAJIAN KRITIS 2024-04-22T07:24:15+07:00 Jean Loustar Jewadut [email protected] Urbanus Gara [email protected] Jimmy Yohanes Hironimus [email protected] <p><em>Experiences of oppression, marginalization, and subordination have become a number of particular contexts that gave birth to critical reflections in a number of theologies such as liberation theology and feminist theology. The liberation theology project that was systematically promoted in Latin America in the mid-20th century began with the spread of colonialism, the political-economic hegemony of both national and transnational businessmen, and the massive use of a militaristic approach to various criticisms and resistance of oppressed people. Likewise, Asian feminist theology originates from criticism and resistance to patriarchal domination in the structure of religious, political, economic, cultural, and social life. Of course, these two theologies operate in the same context, namely the experience of oppression and marginalization of a group of people.</em> <em>This article was written using qualitative research methods with a focus on literature studies in the form of books and scientific journal articles according to the themes reviewed. The result of this study shows that</em><em> liberation theology has contributed to feminist theology and the feminist movement in Asia. By being inspired by the approaches, methods and social analysis developed by liberation theology, the feminist movement in Asia dared to launch a progressive critique of the patriarchal and feudalistic face of the Church. Not only criticizing, feminism in Asia has reached a common movement, namely the establishment of a communion to oppose oppressive structures in shared life.</em></p> 2024-01-05T09:26:15+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PASTORAL INOVATIF DAN KETERLIBATAN OMK MILENIAL DALAM KEGIATAN GEREJA 2024-04-22T07:24:15+07:00 Yohanes Amal [email protected] Hendrikus Midun [email protected] Agustinus Manfred Habur [email protected] <p><em>Pastoral activity is a form of church service to the lives of the people. The quality and innovation of pastoral activities affect the involvement of parishioners in church activities. This study aims to describe the forms of pastoral innovation in St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Karot Diocese of Ruteng and their influence on the involvement of young Catholics in church activities. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using structured interviews. The research subjects consisted of ten young Catholics, parish priests and parish pastoral councils. Data analysis follows four steps: data reduction, data presentation/display, conclusions and verification. The results of the study show that Saint Francis Assisi Karot Parish in Ruteng Diocese has attempted to carry out pastoral innovations in the five main activities of the church, namely consecration (liturgy), preaching, service, communion, and martyrdom. Innovation activities in five activity areas can encourage and increase the involvement of young Catholics in church activities. This finding has implications for the church's pastoral policies and forms of youth development in the future. </em></p> 2024-01-15T10:11:18+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IRINGAN ORGANIS DAN PENGHAYATAN IMAN UMAT DALAM PERAYAAN EKARISTI 2024-04-22T07:24:16+07:00 Monica Innanda Chiaralazzo [email protected] Emmeria Tarihoran [email protected] Darianto Darianto [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to demonstrate the significance of the organist's role in enhancing the faith experience of the congregation during the celebration of the Eucharist. The research was conducted at the Church of St. John the Baptist in Malang using a quantitative approach. Data collection used a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire whose validity had been tested using Aiken's V and was declared reliable based on the Alpha Cronbach formula. Data collection techniques are carried out by utilizing the Google Form. The research respondents were 307 Catholics. Data were analyzed using product-moment correlation (Pearson). The results showed that there was a relationship between organ music accompaniment and the appreciation of the parishioners at the Eucharistic celebration with Pearson's correlation coefficient (0.159) &gt; r table (0.113), meaning that H0, was rejected and H1, was accepted. The Pearson correlation coefficient value is 0.159 when compared to the Pearson correlation criteria guideline table, indicating a fragile correlation level.</em></p> 2024-01-30T09:35:43+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PELAKSANAAN TANGGUNG JAWAB ORANG TUA KATOLIK MENDIDIK IMAN ANAK DI MASA PANDEMI 2024-04-22T07:24:16+07:00 Tunas Wijayanti [email protected] Albert I Ketut Deni Wijaya [email protected] <p><em>This research explored the implementation of parental responsibilities in children's faith education during the coronavirus pandemic. Faith education for children is the first and foremost responsibility of parents. However, during the Corona Virus disease pandemic, there was a challenge: restrictions on church activities. It was the responsibility of parents to educate their children's faith. This research method used descriptive qualitative data analysis, while the data collection used structured interviews. Narrative writing is the way to present the research findings. The results showed the implementation of faith education for children during the coronavirus pandemic by teaching daily prayers, attending the online Eucharist, and faith education. In this implementation, there were some challenges: parents must be patient, and children's addiction to mobile phones. Parents continue to strive to teach daily prayer, follow the Eucharist online, and give faith education. From implementing faith education for children during the coronavirus pandemic, parents are responsible for accompanying and educating their children's faith according to their conditions</em>.</p> 2024-02-05T08:49:09+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN IMAM DALAM TEOLOGI RAHMAT THOMAS AQUINAS DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN DISKURSUS PROBLEMATIK HIDUP PARA IMAM MASA KINI 2024-04-22T07:24:16+07:00 Yohanes Hans Monteiro [email protected] Fransiskus Bala Kleden [email protected] Yohanes De Brito Nanto [email protected] Hendrikus Sie [email protected] Kornelius Kesar Frengki Keta [email protected] <p><em>The long history of the Catholic Church shows that until after the Second Vatican Council, a priest was seen as an important mediator of God's grace. This article aims to describe the role of the priest in Thomas Aquinas’ Theology of Grace and its relevance for the problematic discourse on priests today. The sacrament of priesthood is a sign of special grace that enables priests to have the authority to offer sacrifices (celebrate the eucharist), forgive sins, bless, teach and sanctify. However, the problems or abuses committed by today’s priests appear to challenge the broad and respected consensus regarding the role of priests that has long been entrenched. The concept of the grace of the sacrament of priesthood continues to be challenged. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The data source in research is the presentation of spoken or written words or sentences sourced from Church documents, books, research results, journal articles and also other written sources that can be accounted for. Based on the research results, it was found that, a priest is a link in creating good relationships, from God to humans and from humans to God. Therefore, amidst the problems of today’s priests, it is necessary to realize that the sacrament of priesthood does not necessarily make a priest holy and free to live without the challenges of the world. The free grace of the sacrament of priesthood requires the active participation of a priest to fulfill the reception of that grace, maintain and distribute it properly. To be able to carry out his duties as a distributor of grace in the world, anywhere, anytime and in any situation, priests must have deep and strong spiritual integrity and manifest faithful obedience to God and His Word</em>.</p> 2024-02-06T12:57:46+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PERMAINAN MONOPOLI MENINGKATKAN KETERLIBATAN SISWA DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK 2024-04-22T07:24:16+07:00 Patresia Dita Anggraini [email protected] Natalis Sukma Permana [email protected] <p><em>This study aims to find out that Catholic Religious Education learning can use learning media and find out that learning media can use Catholic monopoly games. The background of writing this study is due to the lack of use of learning media in the learning process of Catholicism amid the many learning media used in learning materials other than Catholicism. In addition, because there are still many teachers who teach with the lecture method so that learning becomes saturated and boring. This research uses research and development (R&amp;D) methods and uses the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Data conducted by researchers in the form of observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The target of the study was a grade V student of SDK Santo Bavo Madiun. The results showed that the assessment of material experts, media experts, as well as positive responses from students during field trials, it can be concluded that this Catholic monopoly game media is "very feasible" and can be used in learning Catholic Religious Education.</em></p> 2024-02-17T08:01:29+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SPIRITUALITAS DIAKONIA GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK DALAM HIDUP MENGGEREJA DI PAROKI SANTA LUSIA PARLILITAN 2024-04-22T07:24:17+07:00 Thomas Natalisa Tarigan [email protected] Paulinus Tibo [email protected] Sixgloria Hasugian [email protected] <p><em>Diaconal spirituality is the spirit of service in the church to carry out its mission. A Catholic religious education teacher must realize that he is called to carry out a mission of service that demands total sacrifice. Catholic religious education teachers are required to live up to the spirit of service by voluntarily providing knowledge, experience, skills, time, energy, thoughts and even all of themselves. Therefore, Catholic religious education teachers must be oriented towards fulfilling the needs of the people who concretely must show a distinctive spirituality with selfless self-sacrifice so that it is truly imbued with the spirituality of diaconal or service which is its specialty. This research was conducted to see how the diaconal spirituality of Catholic religious teachers at Santa Lucia Parlilitan Parish with the number of informants consisting of 7 people: catholic religious education teacher, head of the station council and parish priest. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used in this study using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. This research was conducted from February to May 2023. The results showed that Catholic religion teachers had a diaconal spirituality by living up to ten virtues, namely: preparedness, totality, personal behavior, hard work and quality, sense of belonging, serving humbly, hope, fighting for truth, being grateful and hopeful which were applied to the five pillars of the church's duties, namely: liturgy, diaconal kerigma, martyria and koinonia</em>.</p> 2024-03-06T08:52:33+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CURA PERSONALIS: SIKAP PASTORAL GEREJA BAGI PENDAMPINGAN KAUM LGBTQ KRISTIANI 2024-04-30T07:50:56+07:00 Benny Suwito [email protected] <p><em>The Church is the people of God. And as people of God, the Church consists of all people who believe in Christ. People of God with LGBTQ are people who have faith in. Christ. They accept Christ as the savior but need help understanding their condition. Thus, they need to be helped as people of God because some faithful cannot get them into the Church. They think that people with LGBTQ inclinations are not genuine or even sinful. This article would like to explore how the Church must serve all people who believe in Christ and how the Church can assist them by providing good accompaniment. Consequently, it will seek an explanation based on literature studies conducted on the main concepts in this research, namely “cura personalis” and LGBTQ. After that, this article will develop a pastoral attitude for assisting LGVTQ people as a theological reflection based on the study of moral theology and ecclesiology, which distinguish "actions" and "attitudes" towards other people, the meaning of being a Christian which is in line with the understanding of Christian Anthropology which states that humans are the image of God who has a purpose in life to be called to holiness, and about the position of Christians as part of God's people. That understanding will open a new way in pastoral care, not to contra the doctrine of the Church but to build a bridge to receive the LGBTQ people in the Church as the same people of God who journey on earth</em>.</p> 2024-04-30T07:45:16+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##