Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik2024-11-07T08:46:57+07:00JPAKjpak.wina@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik </strong>published by the STKIP Widya Yuwana Research Institute. Published twice a year (April and October).</p> <p> </p> DIALOG INTERRELIGIUS ANTARUMAT BERAGAMA DI KOTA MALANG2024-10-15T09:35:53+07:00Daniel Kristiantodaniel.dossantoz04@gmail.comYohanes Alfrid<p><em>The aim of this research is to identify and analyze further the importance of dialogue and tolerance among religious communities, particularly in the city of Malang. For the author, the topic addressed in this writing is highly contextual, especially in fostering dialogue amidst religious pluralism. The lack of understanding of the values of tolerance and interreligious dialogue often provokes the emergence of intolerant attitudes among religious communities. In the writing entitled “Building Interreligious Dialogue Among Religious Communities in the City of Malang”. The author is interested in pointing this topic because the community in the city of Malang highly upholds the value of tolerance, which is evident in their perspective of accepting and respecting others of different religions. In this regard, tolerance can be achieved through dialogue. One of the methodologies used in this research is through interfaith dialogue from the perspective of Armada Riyanto, supported by the documents of the Church Nostra Aetate regarding interfaith dialogue. This paper is expected to explode the enthusiasm of all sectors in building dialogue among religious communities. This study ultimately concludes that interfaith dialogue will encourage a sense of brotherhood among religious communities and ultimately lead to an encounter with Almighty God</em>.</p>2024-07-30T09:36:17+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RAMAH ANAK SEBAGAI WUJUD DIAKONIA GEREJA TERHADAP PERSOALAN HUMAN TRAFFICKING2024-10-15T10:10:03+07:00Florensia Imelda Seranimeldaseran85@gmail.comBenediktus Denarbennydenar@yahoo.comJean Loustar<p><em>The Catholic Church pays full attention to efforts to eradicate human trafficking that affects children Catholic Church pays</em> <em>full attention to efforts to eradicate human trafficking that affects children and women. The Church realizes that human trafficking is a humanitarian issue that must be handled seriously. Humans, including children and women, are the image of God and have the same dignity as all people. This concern is a form of Church diakonia, namely serving and protecting the small and weak. One of the Church's efforts is realized through a child-friendly parish program. A child-friendly parish is a pastoral program that prioritizes children to grow integrally as members of the Church. The approach used to obtain information about child-friendly parish programs is qualitative, using interview and observation methods. From this research it is concluded that the child-friendly parish program as a form of Church diakonia has not been fully understood and realized in parish life. So at the end of this article the author states several responsibilities of the Church as a form of Church diakonia in relation to human trafficking cases and offers several practical efforts that can be made by the Church to improve the quality of Church services to children through child-friendly parish programs.</em></p>2024-07-30T09:36:42+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## CINTA KASIH ALLAH PASCA TRAGEDI SITUBONDO 10 OKTOBER 1996 DALAM PERSPEKTIF TEKS NABI YOЁL 2:23-272024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Yohanes Victor Baro Bitan Lamatokanyohanesvictorbbl@gmail.comBonifacio Gendis<p><em>This research examines the efforts to capture God's love after the tragedy of the Situbondo riots, East Java, on October 10, 1996. The people of Situbondo and even the whole of Indonesia were shocked by the destruction and burning of 24 churches in the Situbondo area. The destruction and burning of churches in Situbondo began with the trial of Mohammad Soleh (Muslim). Soleh was a young man accused of spreading heresy and insulting the Islamic teachings of K.H. As'sad Syamsul Arifin, who is highly respected by the people of Situbondo. The court verdict that was too light for the masses caused Situbondo to become a sea of fire. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study. The theoretical framework used is the story of the Prophet Joel in his letter (Yl 2:23-27) about God's love for the Israelites after experiencing various disasters and other supporting sources. The results showed that the value of love was realized through the initiative of the Christian community (both Catholics and Protestants) by building dialogue between the two camps, both the majority group (Islam) and the minority group so as to create a tolerant situation between the two and thus, the relationship that had been tenuous could be restored.</em></p>2024-07-30T09:37:05+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AJARAN FORMATIO MARIAL ST. LOUIS MARIE DE MONTFORT BAGI PENGHAYATAN DEVOSI MARIAL DI INDONESIA2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Severinus Savio Cimiviooktober99@gmail.comAntonius Denny<p><em>This article focuses on efforts to explore the contribution of the teachings of St. Marial Formation. Louis Marie de Montfort for the appreciation of Marial devotion in Indonesia. Marial devotion is an integral part of Catholic spirituality and its appreciation is very well developed in Indonesia. However, there are quite a few people who carry out devotional practices without being accompanied by an understanding of correct Marial reflection so that the possible consequence is minimal social involvement in the concrete reality of living together in Indonesia. St. Louis Marie de Montfort is one of the theologians and mystics who offers the teaching of Marial formation as a path to correct reflection about Mary. Marial Formation is a term that refers to spiritual formation or spiritual formation which is focused on the way Mary, the mother of Jesus, believed in God. The literature method will be used in this research and the status of the questionnaire proposed is how Marial formation teachings contribute to the appreciation of Marial devotion in Indonesia. This research found that Marial formation teachings help provide a foundation for Marian devotion, provide spiritual education for devotees, and spur social involvement among Marial devotional adherents in Indonesia</em></p>2024-07-30T09:37:29+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RISIKO CYBERBULLYING PADA ANAK-ANAK AKIBAT RELASI KELUARGA YANG KURANG BAIK DALAM PERSPEKTIF ANALISIS KOLOSE 3:18-212024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Stefanus Dama Mudastefanusdamamuda@gmail.comFlorianus Pruda<p><em>The family unit constitutes the smallest social structure, comprising of a father, mother, and their offspring. Within the family context, the cultivation of harmonious relationships between spouses and children is imperative. When these relationships falter, it can significantly impact the developmental trajectory and character formation of children. Consequently, children may exhibit undesirable behaviors within their family and the broader societal framework. One prevalent consequence is their susceptibility to cyberbullying, either as perpetrators or victims, resulting in various adverse effects on their academic, social, physical, and emotional well-being. These consequences are particularly pronounced in children who are vulnerable and lack the capacity to effectively address such issues. Therefore, there is a pressing need for an analysis aimed at addressing the escalating risk of cyberbullying among children stemming from suboptimal family relationships. This analysis adopts the perspective of Colossians 3:18-21, which addresses marital and familial relationships within the context of Christian life</em>.</p>2024-07-30T09:37:55+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## FILSAFAT HEGEL DALAM ETIKA PENDIDIKAN KRISTEN2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Gerald F. J. Laohgerald.laoh@gmail.comYusak Tanasyahytanasyah@gmail.comAbednego Tri Gumonoabednego.gumono@uph.eduBobby Kurnia<p><em>It is undeniable that some philosophical sciences greatly influence Christian education today. In some universities, philosophy is combined with Christian theology and even produces scholars of philosophy of theology. Methods and philosophies of thinking in philosophy are often applied in scientific studies of Christian education today to find an objective truth. In this study, the researcher examines the implications of the thought of a famous modern philosopher, namely George W. F Hegel, on Christian education. Researchers find both in the study of literature that there are several contributions of Hegel's philosophy that have an impact on Christian education today. The religious philosophy of objectivity and subjectivity, the philosophy of process, the philosophy of dialectics, some of Hegel's philosophies found by researchers, have contributed greatly to Christian education today. The philosophies above can be applied by students in teaching education. For example, the implications of dialectical philosophy (thesis, antithesis, and synthesis) on teaching methods of Christian education. These methods and philosophies are often used by Christian education students to teach their students and often create questions and discussions by their students.</em></p>2024-07-30T09:39:02+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KEIBUAN MARIA DALAM MATIUS 2:13-23 DAN RELEVANSINYA BAGI KAUM KRISTIANI MASA KINI2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Roswita Maria Boeboemawar@gmail.comSiprianus S. Sendasendasiprianus@gmail.comMikhael Valens<p><em>Penelitian ini membahas peran keibuan Maria sebagai teladan iman dan kebajikan yang menjadi landasan hidup umat beriman, dengan fokus pada Injil Matius 2:13-23. Melalui analisis teks tersebut, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi tiga aspek peran keibuan Maria: sebagai Pelindung dalam perjalanan Iman, ibu yang penuh kasih dalam tantangan pengungsian, dan ikon ketaatan dan kebaikan dalam pengungsian. Berdasarkan telaah terhadap teks Alkitab, dokumen Konsili Vatikan II, serta literatur terdahulu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali relevansi peran keibuan Maria bagi kaum </em><em>ibu kristiani masa kini</em><em>, terutama di era </em><em>post</em><em>modern dengan kompleksitas tantangan pengungsian dan kekerasan. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan baru tentang makna dan signifikansi peran keibuan Maria dalam kehidupan umat beriman pada masa kini.</em></p>2024-07-30T09:40:28+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENDIDIKAN BUDI PEKERTI DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA-SISWI KATOLIK2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Brigitta Alvera Augustinebrigitta.alv@gmail.comNatalis Sukma<p><em>Character of education is an effort to educate students so that the students have noble attitudes and behavior. In fact, this education still has not achieved the objectives of the establishment of the program. From the results of initial observations at </em><em>Junior High School</em> <em>I Wonogiri and Kanisius Wonogiri</em><em> Middle school</em><em>, it was found that there were several degradations of moral values which had an impact on reducing student motivation. Therefore, this research focused on digging deeper into how both public and private schools apply patterns of character education as a school effort to help increasing student motivation. The research method used in this research was to use a qualitative research method using a comparative descriptive approach. The results of study showed that in the implementation of character education, </em><em>Junior High School</em> <em>I Wonogiri applied moral values as a whole while the three main values emphasized by Kanisius Wonogiri Middle School were more religious values, honesty values, and social care values; in terms of school strategies and methods, the teacher's approach and the evaluation used both have similarities and differences. The results of the study show that the two schools have their own characteristics which are tailored to the vision and mission of each school.</em></p>2024-08-10T08:59:23+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## AGAMA KATOLIK MENUMBUHKAN KARAKTER KRISTIANI KASIH, RELA BERKORBAN, DAN DAMAI PADA DIRI SISWA2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Roymundus Tulus Jatmikoroymundustulus11@gmail.comOla Rongan<p><em>Catholic Religious Education in schools is a compulsory subject given by an educator to educate and foster students to develop into individuals with good intellectual and character. One of the goals of Catholic religious education is to foster Christian character in students in addition to developing intellectual abilities. Christian character is a spiritual seed embedded in the self and heart of each individual based on faith in Jesus Christ. Cultivating Christian character through Catholic religious education is an important effort that needs to be done by a Catholic religious teacher as an educator so that students can grow into individuals with Christian character. This study was conducted with the aim of exploring which Christian characters grow as a result of Catholic religious education in schools. This study uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The informants in this study were seven Catholic religious teachers who were still actively teaching at high schools in Madiun City. The research data analysis activities included reading all research data, reducing research data, presenting research data, interpreting research data, drawing conclusions on the results of research data analysis, and verifying research data. The contribution to this study is to complete and present the Christian character that grows through Catholic teaching that has not been in previous research. The results of this study indicate that the impact produced in efforts to grow and shape the Christian character of students through Catholic teaching in schools is the development of characters of love, sacrifice, and peace in students</em>.</p>2024-08-20T10:15:28+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## OLEH KASIH KRISTUS: KHARISMA DAN SPIRITUALITAS SANTO VINSENSIUS DALAM KARYA PENDIDIKAN KONGREGASI MISI2024-11-07T08:46:57+07:00Alexius Dwi<p><em>The purpose of this study is to explore the charism and spirituality of Saint Vincent de Paul to be implemented in teaching and learning in schools. Saint Vincent was moved by the love of God to love Him through the service to poor. Loving God and loving others who are poor and suffering are an inseparable unity. Saint Vincent's spirituality must also animate his followers in educational work. Vincentian schools educate students to love the poor. The researcher explores the charism and spirituality of Saint Vincent and its implementation in educational work. Through observations, interviews and focus group discussions among the coaches, supervisors, administrators of the Lazaris Foundation, the researchers concluded that the main values (core values) that are fostered in Vincentian schools are compassion, competence, and Vincentian virtues. </em><em>It is expected that this research would be a meaningful reference for the relevant researchers, stakeholders, and educational practitioner who wants to implement vincentian values in teaching and learning process in schools. </em></p>2024-09-09T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SEBAGAI MODEL PENGEMBANGAN PASTORAL PARIWISATA HOLISTIK DI KEUSKUPAN RUTENG2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Maximus Manumoatmaximus@gmail.comJean Loustar Jewadutjewadutj@gmail.comAstina Vebriani<p><em>The Ruteng Diocese Church expressed social concern for the pace of tourism development in Labuan Bajo by declaring 2022 as the year of holistic tourism. Holistic pastoral tourism seeks to integrate the economic, cultural, ecological, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of tourism. </em><em>The scientific article aims to explore how coinonia can be used as a model in developing holistic pastoral tourism in the Diocese of Ruteng.</em><em> The research used a method, is a qualitative analysis method with a literature study approach which includes analysis of documents, articles and books related to the theme being reviewed. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the coinonia aspect has a very important role in efforts to develop holistic pastoral tourism. The application of the coinonia model can increase collaboration between pastoral sectors such as families, schools, the younger generation, children and teenagers, as well as adherents of other religions. This collaboration can support sustainable tourism development. The author offers the coinonia model of the Ruteng Diocese Church which has sacramental values, solidarity, subsidiarity and liberation in every pastoral program as an effort to develop holistic tourism pastoralism</em>.</p>2024-09-21T10:30:29+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK YANG BERDAYA SAING: MEMBANGUN KOMPETENSI PAEDAGOGIS DAN KEAGAMAAN2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Yohanes Chandra Kurnia<p><em>The background to this research highlights the important role of Catholic Religious Education in shaping the character and morals of the younger generation. However, Catholic Religious Education teachers are faced with big challenges in developing their competencies, both in terms of teaching ability and understanding of religion. Lack of development in these two aspects can hamper the effectiveness of the religious learning process in schools. Therefore, this research aims to identify and develop the pedagogical and religious competencies of Catholic Religious Education teachers, as well as formulate effective strategies and methods to improve the quality of Catholic religious teaching. The research method used is literature study, which aims to provide a strong theoretical foundation and practical solutions for improving the quality of Catholic religious education. In the conclusion, the importance of developing teacher competencies is highlighted, with strategies that include the development of sustainable training programs and teaching methods that involve a holistic approach to the development of both competencies simultaneously. Evaluation of competency development programs is also considered important to measure their impact in improving the quality of Catholic religious teaching</em>.</p>2024-10-02T07:32:28+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PADA TAHAP AWAL PASCA-PERKAWINAN KATOLIK DAN UPAYA MENGATASI KRISIS BERDASARKAN SURAT APOSTOLIK AMORIS LAETITIA2024-10-15T09:35:54+07:00Yohanes Hans Monteiromonteiroyoh@gmail.comFransiskus Bala Kledenfranokleden@gmail.comGergorius Turefranokleden@gmail.comAstina Vebriani Pasaribuastinav08@gmail.comVinsensius M. Junior<p><em>In the Catholic Church, the reality of married life shows that various kinds of crises come and disrupt the lives of married couples during the early stages of catholic post-marriage. The focus of this article is to elaborate crisis during the early stages of Catholic post-marriage and attempts to address the crisis. Therefore, this article reviews the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia from Pope Francis which speaks about Catholic marriage as the guidance for dealing with the crisis. The authors use the method of interview and literature study. In the interview method, the authors interview key informants who talk about problems during the early stages of catholic post-marriage. This study found that crisis during the early stages of catholic post-marriage is characterized by four main reasons, namely the necessity to leave parents, adjustment to one’s partner, the presence and care of children, and the presence of elderly parents. Dealing with these problems, the Church through its family pastoral inspired by the Amoris Laetitia comes to provide spiritual, moral and practical supports to the families in order to face the crises. The Church must be alert in designing programs and activities such as recollections, retreats, group discussions, family visits, and so on which are useful for strengthening family resilience and strengthening their family building and integrity.</em></p>2024-10-04T10:13:35+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## IMAN KELUARGA KATOLIK MELALUI KEGIATAN LINGKUNGAN DI STASI SUMBER BENING DAN WIDODAREN PAROKI ST. YOSEF NGAWI2024-10-15T09:35:55+07:00Ola Rongan<p><em>Many Catholic couples and families today prefer to choose the easy and shortcut way to solve the problems and challenges related to the family and marriage life. For example, problems of infidelity, economics, domestic violence are often resolved by divorce. This settlement proved to have many negative impacts on the family life. Recognizing these various family challenges and problems, the Surabaya Diocese's pastoral activities during 2023 focussing on the pastoral theme: Living Christ in the Family". During this period, families were guided through various Basic Christian Community's pastoral activities to explore the said pastoral theme. Those activities were part of empowering the faith of Catholic families. The research was conducted with the aim to identify the perception of Catholics at Sumber Bening and Widodaren Basic Christian Communities at</em><em> Saint Yosef Parish, about the meaning of the Catholic family, discipleship in the family, and empowerment of the Catholic family's faith. The research used a quantitative approach, and the research model used was a survey. The research respondents were heads of Catholic families in the said two Basic Christian Communities. Data collection was carried out using questionnaire techniques, and the data was analyzed descriptively-statistically. The results of the study revealed that majority of respondents said that family is a community and living relationships between individuals who are imbued with the spirit of wholeness, love and gentleness. Families need to have a mature faith in Jesus Christ, and this mature faith requires better and more varied faith empowerment programs and strategies.</em></p>2024-10-08T10:12:12+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMAHAMAN GEREJA DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA KATOLIK DENGAN GOOGLE CLASSROOM2024-10-15T09:35:55+07:00Anselmus Sina<p><em>This study focuses on improving the learning outcomes of grade XII students majoring in Social Sciences (IPS) 2 at SMA Negeri 1 Tarakan by utilizing Google Classroom as a learning medium. The methodology used includes observation, implementation of actions, and data archiving involving four students during the research process. The study results showed a significant increase in academic achievement, with a rise of 75% in the first cycle and 100% in the second cycle. However, even though these positive results were achieved, there was a gap in some students who still had not reached the expected level of achievement. Finally, the implications of this study confirm that there is effectiveness through the use of Google Classroom media in supporting distance learning and show the importance for teachers in adopting suitable press to improve the quality of education according to student needs.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-10-15T09:35:30+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##